Q: How can we contact you?
A: Email us at bracelethill@gmail.com or refer to our Contact Us tab.
Q: Can I get a refund or exchange/return my item(s)?
A: We are not currently accepting exchanges or returns however, please email us at bracelethill@gmail.com to request a refund within 24hrs of receiving your product and we will work to resolve any issue. Please also refer to our Refund Policy page.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: We currently do not ship internationally, but we are working on getting that together and running. We thank you for your patience.
Q: What if I Typed the wrong address?
A: If you included the wrong address, please send an email as soon as possible for us to change it. If you do not reach out by the time we ship the order out (Every Tues. and Fri. 9 am (CT)), we will not be able to change the address and your order will be sent to the address provided! We will not offer a refund for a mistaken address, so please read carefully when inputting your information!
Q: How Long does shipping take?
A: Once your package ships, please allow 5-8 days for the package to be delivered. (U.S. ONLY) However, it could be sooner than 5 days, we try to get your package to you as fast as possible reasonably. Please keep in mind these are estimates from USPS and not guarantees. There are always a possibility for delays, so order early if needed by a certain date!
Q: Where did the name Bracelet Hill come from?
A: When creating a name for a simple brand, at the time I had no idea what to name it. I knew I had a passion for making jewelry and wanted to stick to what I knew best, bracelets. So, to keep it short and sweet, I started with "Bracelet," and when I started the brand, my family and I lived on a Hill (we still do), so I just stuck with Bracelet Hill because it was something I was able to run with using the arch of the beaded bracelets as half of the logo shaped like a hill. I just kept the name as I went along on this business venture. Simple, and to the point. Thank you for your support.
If you have any more questions please email us anytime!